This will cast the data fields returned by search_pv so that they have their most appropriate data types (e.g., date, numeric, etc.).




The data returned by search_pv. This is the first element of the three-element result object you got back from search_pv. It should be a list of length 1, with one data frame inside it. See examples.


The same type of object that you passed into cast_pv_data.


fields <- c("patent_date", "patent_title", "patent_year") res <- search_pv(query = "{\"patent_number\":\"5116621\"}", fields = fields) cast_pv_data(data = res$data)
#> #### A list with a single data frame on a patent level: #> #> List of 1 #> $ patents:'data.frame': 1 obs. of 3 variables: #> ..$ patent_date : Date[1:1], format: "1992-05-26" #> ..$ patent_title: chr "Anti-inflammatory analgesic patch" #> ..$ patent_year : int 1992